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Artwork from Grand Quest
Element Element Light Light
Gender Gender male Male
Eyes Teal
Hair Cyan
Currently Unknown
Relatives Ezra (foster daughter)
First Appearance Eneroth: Genesis
Aliases Caretaker
Unit Counterpart Allanon

Allanon is a renegade Deva librarian. He is a member of the Deva territory.


A renegade Deva Librarian. Allanon lived dangerously deep within Morokai territory, hoping to deepen his understanding of Morokai culture. For many years he watched the Morokai and communicated with them. His sincerity eventually won him the trust of a few Morokai, and from them he learnt even more.

On the fateful day that the Deva's 313th expedition was defeated, Allanon witnessed the horror that occurred before him. A terrifying warrior that bore the visage of both Morokai and Deva led a massive horde and annihilated the Deva force. After the battle ended Allanon scoured the battlefield for clues regarding the mysterious warrior.

All he found was a single survivor, the Deva Supreme General himself. Taking pity on the man, Allanon took him to a Morokai friend and left him under her care. For all his knowledge and wisdom, he did not expect the both of them to elope. When their child was born, they knew that the girl would not be safe. At their request, Allanon took the child far north into a land untouched by the war and raised her as if she were his own. Weary of the endless conflict, Allanon once more vowed to turn his dream of "love and peace" into reality.

