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Amber Butterfly
Item thum 880244 Item Lore
Found in the heart of lands untouched yet by man, this magical creature--held in amber--is a potent source of power. No one quite knows why it has suddenly appeared all over Grand Gaia, but some have said that a new age is about to dawn--and none are ready for it.
Found in the heart of lands untouched yet by man, this magical creature--held in amber--is a potent source of power.
Evolution material used to evolve Omni Frog into Omni Emperor
Sale Price: Zell thum 20 Zel
How to Obtain
Trivia, Additional Information & Notes
  • Amber Butterflies are evolution materials used to evolve Omni Frog into Omni Emperor, a fusion material used on OE+3 Rarity units to increase their SP cap by 5 points (Max SP cap is 130).