Brave Frontier Wiki

DBBEffect Aurora

Deals piercing max HP% DoT to single Dark foe
Element LightElement Light
Two Light units
Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage

Aurora is an Elemental Synergy that is activated through the use of Dual Brave Burst. A bond pair with this Elemental Synergy requires two Light units.

When a DBB with the Aurora synergy is used, Piercing Additional Damage is afflicted on the selected target, provided it is Dark element. The higher the Bond Level, the stronger the effects of DoT become.

If a DBB with Aurora targets an enemy that is not Dark element, Piercing Additional Damage will not apply at all.

Effect Potencies[]

Bond Level Potency Duration
1 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 1~1.5% max HP DoT 2 turns
2 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 1.2~1.7% max HP DoT 2 turns
3~4 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 1.5~2% max HP DoT 2 turns
5 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 1.8~2.5% max HP DoT 2 turns
6 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 1.8~2.5% max HP DoT 3 turns
7 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 2.5~3% max HP DoT 3 turns
8~10 Pierce dot Piercing Additional Damage: 2.5~3% max HP DoT 4 turns

Synergy Progression Requirements[]

Bond Level Requirements
2 Unit ills thum 87502601 Light Golem x2
3 Unit ills thum 87502601 Light Golem x3
4 Unit ills thum 87502602 Greater Light Golem x1
Unit ills thum 87502601 Light Golem x3
5 Unit ills thum 87502602 Greater Light Golem x1
Item thum 800908 Geminus Tome x25
Item thum 800905 Lux Shard x300
6 Unit ills thum 87502603 Grand Light Golem x1
Item thum 800908 Geminus Tome x35
Item thum 800905 Lux Shard x500

List of Units with Elemental Synergy: Aurora[]

Unit Partner Dual Brave Burst
Unit ills thum 850568 Lunar Maiden QiuTong Unit ills thum 850628 Sero-Anya, Eternal Light Heavensward Eternity
Unit ills thum 850278 Grandmagos Ceulfan Unit ills thum 850708 Ordainer Hakuzo Foregone Fates
Unit ills thum 850858 Silver Knight Joshua Unit ills thum 850808 Opal Goddess Tilith Grandiose Finish