Brave Frontier Wiki
Area 101
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"Another world thought to have inspired the unique arts developed in Grand Gaia. Without humans, only machines seem to inhabit this place."

Bectas is the first world in the Otherworld that is unlocked by defeating Holy Emperor Karna Masta in Empty Seal Menon of Menon.

Clearing Elevated Station grants access to Vilanciel, Bectas' EX dungeon Michele's Sepulcher and Round No. 001 in the Battle Hall.

List of Dungeons in Bectas

Dungeon Element/Notes
Iron District N/A
Selza Arsenal N/A
Demolished Site N/A
Tech City Mersas N/A
Information Tower N/A
Zoldas Mountains N/A
Elevated Station N/A
Michele's Sepulcher EX Dungeon
Grand Gaia

MistralMorganSt. LamiaCordelicaAmdahlEncervisPalmynaLizeriaRyvernAgniMirvanaLanaraVrikshaAldahliaAtharvaBariura


CelgradLemBeiorgWulgeeRakshultZamburgFal NergaEstriaMenonMildran


BectasVilancielOhbanaharaRokkzalmValdroarSt. Creek
