Brave Frontier Wiki

Blind Justice Tesla
Unit No. 749
Data ID 20525
Element Element Water Water
Gender Gender female Female
Rarity 6★
Max Lv. 100
Cost 30
Arena Type 6
Colosseum Legality BFWiki Warrior Class
BFWiki Gladiator Class
BFWiki Conqueror Class
BFWiki Hero Class
Base 4,383 1,584 1,476 1,584
Lord 6,150 2,110 1,930 2,110
Anima 6,893 2,110 1,930 1,912
Breaker 6,150 2,308 1,732 2,110
Guardian 6,150 2,110 2,128 2,011
Oracle 6,150 2,110 1,831 2,407
Rex 7,388 2,259 2,079 2,259
Final, in-game stats may differ slightly
Unit Types also provide special passive bonuses. For more information, see this page.
Max Imp Unit ills thum 40432 750
Unit ills thum 10452 300
Unit ills thum 20442 300
Unit ills thum 30432 300
Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier.
Miscellaneous Info
Normal 10-Hit Combo 20Icon dc (2Icon dc/hit)
Hit Count
Drop Check
Damage Modifier
BB Icon dc —% 26 BC Battle crystal icon
SBB 18 (AOE) 18Icon dc(1Icon dc) 400% 8 BC Battle crystal icon
(34Battle crystal icon total)
Leader Skill: Imperial Authority
50% boost to Atk, Def, and Rec of Water & Light types
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Paraboost fire atk Elemental Parameter Boost 50% boost to Atk, 50% boost to Def and 50% boost to Rec of Water and Light units
Brave Burst: Aqua Fort
Greatly recovers HP for all allies & reduces damage taken by half for 1 turn
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Gradual heal Burst Healing Heals 2300~2600 + 25% Rec of HP instantly All allies
Regular mitigation Damage Mitigation Reduces damage taken by 50% 1 turn All allies
Super BB: Liber Astraia
18 combo powerful Water attack on all enemies & greatly boosts one's own Spark damage and critical rate for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 400% damage modifier All enemies
Self atk buff Self Parameter Boost Boosts own critical rate by 60% 3 turns To self
Self spark buff Self Spark Boost 100% boost to own spark damage 3 turns To self
Hidden buff value(s) is/are based on unit's max levelled BB/SBB (10).
Value(s) may be lower if the level is not at max.

Animation Frame Data
Move Idle Attack
6 82 111
Movement Speed/Type
Normal Attack Skill (BB/SBB/UBB)
Move Speed 0.0015 0.0015
Speed Type 5 5
Move Type Moving Moving
Normal Attack
Frames 38, 42, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82
Distribution (%) 15, 13, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9
Super Brave Burst
Frames 38, 41, 44, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69, 72, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 90, 93, 96
Distribution (%) 10, 5, 5, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 2
Chain Unit ills thum 20524 Evolve arrow sm Unit ills thum 20525
Prev Cost Unit ills thum 50354 Unit ills thum 20133 Unit ills thum 20133 Unit ills thum 20191 Unit ills thum 60224
Zell thum500,000 Zel
Next Cost n/a
How to Obtain (besides Evolving)
Unit Quotes
Summon I shall turn the path you seek
into the path Eriole seeks.
That is my current duty.
Fusion I shall accept your power.
All in the name of Lord Eriole.
Evolution Being with you reminds me
of those days. We were poor,
but we were happy.
Lord Eriole, I...
Unit Lore
A mock Unit modeled after Tesla, Eriole's aide. Both Tesla and Eriole hail from the same orphanage, having lived as siblings until each of them was adopted by a foster family. Various circumstances prompted their reunion afterwards, leading Tesla to become Eriole's shadow in order to provide continuous support. She developed abilities far greater than anyone in the whole nation for Eriole's sake, and will only wield them for his sake alone.
Trivia, Additional Information & Notes

Not to be confused with Ice Tower Tesla from Rare Summon.
