Brave Frontier Wiki

Item frame 5 Raid Materials & Items

Def Crystal
Item thum 70500 Item Lore
An extract from the Mow Nut, it was mixed with a Def Potion, and crystallized into an incense. Its aroma has the ability to increase one's defensive power. Similar to other crystallized types of incense, when the instructions for its burning are not followed to the letter, it can have a bad effect on the user, and thus permission to use this item is only granted to Demon Slayers currently on duty. Furthermore, the side effect of this crystal is said to be extreme devitalization.
10% damage decrease for all allies on the map for 5 minutes. Up to 4 may be used simultaneously.
Sale Price: Zell thum 100 Zel
How to Obtain (besides Crafting)
  • Colosseum
    • Stage 3, Red Chest, 50 CBP (10 pieces)
    • Stage 5, Blue Chest, 100 CBP (10 pieces)
    • Stage 7, Blue Chest, 200 CBP (20 pieces)
  • Chance to obtain at Brave Slots
  • Achievement System - Exchange Hall - 500 Merit Points

Item Name Quantity
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 1
Item thum 20600 Def Potion 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 1

Base Materials
Item Name Quantity
Item thum 301 Hoku Nut 2
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 1
Item thum 100 Red Grass 1
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 1

Trivia, Additional Information & Notes
  • The mitigation from Def Crystal stacks multiplicatively with other mitigation effects. See Raid Damage Mitigation for more info.