Brave Frontier Wiki

Item frame 3 Spheres

Dragon's Amulet
Sphere thum 5 4 Item Lore
Legend states that when a baby saddled with a peculiar fate was born, a shining dragon appeared before mother and child, wishing them fortune and giving them a charm made from part of its own body. The charm never left the baby's side, and they grew to be a courageous hero who could defeat any hardship that presented itself.
Normal hits enormously boost BB gauge, slightly reduces BB gauge required for BB, raises normal hit amount & considerably boosts BC drop rate
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Bb over time BC Fill when attacking Boosts BB gauge by 10 BC when attacking
Normal hit count buff Hit Count Boost +1 to each normal hit (100% extra hit damage modifier)
Bc cost down BC Cost Reduction Reduces BC cost of BB gauge by 10%
Item rate up Drop Rate Boost Boosts BC drop rate by 15%
Sale Price: Zell thum 25,000 Zel Type: Sphere icon bb gauge BB Gauge
Trade Value: Achievement p thum 1,000 Merit Points Rarity: 6★

Facility sphere
Item Name Quantity
Sphere thum 4 7 Sol Creator 1
Sphere thum 5 3 Summoner Hat 1
Sphere thum 5 6 Shiny Anklet 1
Sphere thum 5 7 Dragon Earrings 1
Karma thum Karma
