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Brave Frontier Wiki

Elemental Paradigm is a Global Exclusive buff applied when conditions of a squad are fulfilled with the use of Omni+ Boost.

Equipping 3 or more same element Omni+ units in the squad will activate Elemental Paradigm which provides additional passive parameters and damage boost effects of increasing effectiveness relative to the number of same element Omni+ units. This will complement the Omni Resonance mechanic and arm players with an additional edge for using mono elemental squads to employ in current and upcoming global content.

Elemental Paradigm is also intended to encourage more unit collection, squad building strategies and optimization. While mixed-elemental squads and specifically rainbow-elemental (due to specific leader skills) are much easier to form and will still be viable for most content, players are encouraged to plan and strengthen their mono-elemental squads as we will be attempting to develop new global content that will cater to such squads.


The table below specifies the total accumulated passive effect values bestowed at each Paradigm Level.

Paradigm Level Squad Conditions Parameters Boost Spark damage Boost Critical damage Boost Elemental damage Boost Increased active effect turn duration
  • 3 same element Omni+
  • 3 Omni+1
  • Minimum Omni rarity
  • Example: 3 Omni+1 Fire units and 2 Omni rarity Water units
5% 10% 20% 10% N/A
  • 4 same element Omni+
  • 3 Omni+2
  • Minimum Omni rarity
  • Example: 3 Omni+2 Fire units, 1 Omni+1 Fire unit and 1 Omni rarity Water unit
10% 30% 40% 20% N/A
  • 5 same element Omni+
  • 3 Omni+3
  • Example: 3 Omni+3 Fire units and 2 Omni+1 rarity Fire units
20% 70% 80% 50% +1 turn duration

Important Notes[]

  • For the current iteration, Helper/Friend leader units will not contribute to the activation of these effects, nor be able to receive these effects.
  • Elemental Paradigm will not work for Summoner’s Arc content. At the moment, it also does not work for Strategy Zone content.
  • Effects and values are subject to change.
  • The following buff effects are considered active effect types:
Buff Icon Buff Name
Atk buffDef buffRec buffCrit rate up Parameter Boost
Paraboost fire atkParaboost fire defParaboost fire recParaboost water atkParaboost water defParaboost water rec
Paraboost earth atkParaboost earth defParaboost earth recParaboost thunder atkParaboost thunder defParaboost thunder rec
Paraboost light atkParaboost light defParaboost light recParaboost dark atkParaboost dark defParaboost dark rec
Elemental Parameter Boost
Ewdbuff fireEwdbuff waterEwdbuff earthEwdbuff thunderEwdbuff lightEwdbuff dark Elemental Damage Boost
Regular mitigation Damage Mitigation
Elementalmitigation fireElementalmitigation waterElementalmitigation earthElementalmitigation thunderElementalmitigation lightElementalmitigation dark Elemental Mitigation
Dot miti Additional Damage Reduction
Crit dmg Critical Damage Boost
Elemcrit fireElemcrit waterElemcrit earthElemcrit thunderElemcrit lightElemcrit dark Elemental Critical Damage Boost
Spark buff Spark Boost
Elemspark fireElemspark waterElemspark earthElemspark thunderElemspark lightElemspark dark Elemental Spark Boost
Sparkcrit Spark Critical
  • Note that active effects not listed above will not stand to benefit from the increased turn duration, for example:
Buff Icon Buff Name
Gradual heal Gradual Healing
Bc rate up BC Drop Rate
Hc rate up HC Drop Rate
Item rate up Item Drop Rate
Bb fill rate BC Efficacy
Bb over time Gradual BB Gauge Boost
Bb when attacked buff BC Fill when attacked
Bb on spark buff BC Fill on Spark
Bc on guard buff BC Fill on Guard
Taunt Taunt
Stealth Stealth
Jump buff Evasion
Shield fireShield waterShield earthShield thunderShield lightShield darkShield colorless Shield
Extra action Extra Action
Burst rage buff Brave Burst Recast
Elembuff fireElembuff waterElembuff earthElembuff thunderElembuff lightElembuff dark Added Elements
Damagenull crit Critical Negation
Damagenull spark Spark Negation
Damagenull ewd Elemental Negation

Example Activation Scenarios[]

  • Scenario A
    • Player battle squad has 2 Water Omni+1, 2 Water Omni+2, 1 Water Omni (+0) and 1 Water Omni+3 Helper.
    • Only Paradigm Level 1 (Water) will activate from this squad setup based on these checks:
    • With the exclusion of the Helper unit, there are 4 Omni+ units of the same element (Water), however there are not 3 Omni+2 units, hence the squad is not eligible for Paradigm Level 2.
  • Scenario B
    • Player battle squad has 4 Dark Omni+3, 1 Dark 7 stars, 1 Thunder Omni+1 Helper.
    • No Paradigm will activate here based on these checks
    • With the exclusion of the Helper unit, even though there are 4 Dark Omni+3, the 7 stars unit disqualifies the squad from Paradigm activation.



Elemental Paradigm is represented by a glow effect on the elemental icon of each unit UI frame in the battle scene. The descriptions of the effects are printed in a new section of the battle status window.


Elemental Paradigm activates for the player squad, but remains inactive for opponents; however, HP bonuses from Omni+ Boost still remain in effect for both players.
