Brave Frontier Wiki

Duration: Sept. 12, 00:00 PST - Sept. 30, 23:59 PST

It is said that every autumn in Aimyhr, a moon fairy descends upon the land to revel among the mortals during the annual Harvest Festival. As you stroll through the forests, you encounter a strange girl named QiuTong, who beckons you over for a round of games! Is she merely a mischievous child, or does her appearance have anything to do with the folk tales? Find out at the Vortex Gate, and partake in the Moonlight Harvest!

Bonus Units[]


  • Using multiple units of Qiutong, Hyshka and Feòra will stack your token bonuses. However, friend units of Qiutong, Hyshka and Feòra will not count towards the token bonus.
Name Token Bonus
Unit ills thum 850567Unit ills thum 850568 QiuTong 20%
Unit ills thum 860787Unit ills thum 860788 Feòra 20%
Unit ills thum 840788 Hyshka 10%

Event Bazaar Item List[]


  • If you bought Brave Autumn, Lux Aeterno Lv. 1 and/or Lucky Crescent from previous bazaar openings of this Event Bazaar, you will not be able to purchase them.

Name Token Cost Quantity
Item thum 800907 Elementum Tome 15 100
Item thum 880244 Amber Butterfly 6 250


Date Description
September 6, 2018 Added Event Bazaar. Tokens are obtained from Autumn Paradise.
September 12, 2019
Tokens can be obtained from Desirous Mochi and Moonlight Valediction.
All items have been refreshed, but players who bought Brave Autumn, Lux Aeterno Lv. 1 and/or Lucky Crescent cannot purchase them again.
Unit ills thum 860787Unit ills thum 860788Unit ills thum 840788 Added Feòra and Hyshka as Bonus Units. All Bonus Units, including all rarities of QiuTong, grant a fixed percentage boost in the amount of Autumn Tokens obtained.