Brave Frontier Wiki

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the wiki and the game.

Shutdown FAQ

Q: Is the Brave Frontier (BF1) Global server still up? Can I still play the game?
As of April 27 2022, the Brave Frontier Global servers have closed permanently and they can no longer be played on. Despite the game still being available to install on the Microsoft / Google Play / Apple Store, it doesn't mean that you can launch the game and hope you can play since you will receive an error notifying about the game's server closure.

Q: What about the Japanese server? Is that still around?
As of April 25 2022, the Brave Frontier Japan servers have closed permanently, along with the Brave Frontier 2 and Brave Frontier Rexona servers and they too can no longer be played on.

Q: Why did they shut down the Global server? Couldn't the game still go on without the Japanese server?
The Global server in fact did this for quite sometime. However, once the Japanese server closed, Global would only be running on borrowed time and will eventually have to close the servers at some point in that scenario. For instance, the last released unit batch released in Japan was Roglizer's batch (localized as Sphere Originators) in 2018 and there was no new content or unit developed for 4 years from the Japanese server except for 2 exceptions. The first exception is the 6th Anniversary of Brave Frontier in Japan which introduced Loving Goddess Tilith, obtainable from the anniversary dungeon Weaver of Friendship. The collaboration with BRAVE FRONTIER HEROES was the second exception, which introduced Sun Tse, D'Artagnan and Florence Nightingale. All four of these units when released on the Global servers were rebalanced with a different skillset in order to fit in the Global unit meta (similar to the Battle Maidens in the Japanese server having a slightly modified skillset compared to the Global server). With no other updates from the Japanese server, the Global server has since made tons of effort to create original content such as Raid Class 7, Guild Raid, Frontier Rifts, Grand Quest X Series, Vortex Trials, Seasons Past and many other content.

Q: Did anybody managed to reverse engineer the game? Any chances for a private server or offline version of the game?
To date there was only a very few number of people who have successfully datamined the game but their interest in the game has dropped many years before the server closure announcement that the build of their game would very likely be an incredibly outdated version. Their are some fellow community members working on attempting to reverse engineer the game to make it playable offline. You can find more info of their goal from this link (alternate link:

Q: Was Brave Frontier 2 (BF2) suppose to be coming to Global? What ever happen to that?
Brave Frontier 2 was originally planned for a Global release as confirmed by a former content designer on the Brave Frontier Global development team in a 2022 Q&A session on the Brave Network Discord server. However, they said that there was a sudden change in this decision internally without specifying the reason and the idea of localizing BF2 was ultimately dropped. There are many options on what the reason could be, such as the introduction of Dual Brave Burst (DBB) on the Brave Frontier Global server, which mimics very closely to the Xross Brave Burst (XBB) system featured in Brave Frontier 2. It could've been the amount of active players in Brave Frontier Global that gumi changed their decision on localizing BF2 Global or even from evaluating the Japanese server perspective in terms of their sales performance and active player counts. Perhaps it was the fact that Alim publicly announced they had halted BF2 content development for the unseeable future as a potential variable. Regardless, this is an open end speculation and you can interpret it however you wish.

Q: What about Brave Frontier Rexona? What happened to a Global release?
As mentioned in Episode #63 on the Brave News Channel, Takahashi (Producer of the Japanese Brave Frontier series) was hinting about a new Brave Frontier game in 2021 with plans for a Global release. However, the game didn't last a full year, only being released in September 2021 and was available to play until April 2022 on the Japanese server. Rexona was unfortunately not successful in the Japanese gaming market and the entire Brave Frontier series was announced to end in April 2022, eliminating the possibility of a Global release of Rexona.

Q: What was Rexona suppose to be?
Brave Frontier Rexona could be considered as a final attempt from Alim to revive popularity in the Brave Frontier series by moving away from the traditional JRPG system used in BF1 and BF2 and instead utilized a 3D hack-and-slash approach to the game with voice acting from notable voice actors (and mouths finally being drawn on units). The game's timeline was to take place in a distant future from BF1 and BF2 with the original cast NPCs like Karl, Seria, Lugina and Paris very likely to be deceased by the start of the game's timeline.

Q: Is there more stuff I can find about Brave Frontier 2 and Rexona?
Yes! Alim has been working behind the scenes to leave a wiki after the servers closed. You can find various things like unit image, sprite animations, lore info, and cutscenes for the game from this link (note that everything is in Japanese, does not include any content that were Global Exclusive and any collaboration units or events that occurred during the game's time span).

Q: What about Brave Frontier Heroes (BFH)? Is it part of the Brave Frontier series?
Brave Frontier Heroes is a crypto based game using Brave Frontier assets and a sign of the collaboration effort between Alim and Double Jump Tokyo, with the latter being the publisher of Brave Frontier Heroes. Due to the nature of the game and the servers are still available to play on as of April 2022, many players in the community do not consider Brave Frontier Heroes a part of the core Brave Frontier series.

Wiki Specific Shutdown FAQ

Q: What will happen to this wiki now that the game closed their servers?
This wiki will essentially be here until the end of time but will no longer receive any new major updates from staff and community members.

Q: What if the wiki just suddenly disappears one day and never returns?
The only time that would ever happen is when Fandom (the company hosting this wiki) shuts down and closes all of their wiki. This is very unlikely to happen since Fandom hosts wikis of very popular franchises (particularly video games, movies and TV shows).

Q: Will I need to download every single unit image / NPC artwork / backgrounds if I want to keep them for nostalgic or other reasons?
No! Prior to the servers shutting down, community members have been focused on archiving assets used in the game. You can find more details about downloading a copy of the game's assets from this link (alternate link:

Q: How come some of the links to the wallpapers no longer work? How am I going to get wallpaper resolution of other sizes?
Unfortunately it is no longer possible to download these wallpapers from gumi since they have stopped hosting these files on their website. The only way to get different resolutions is to search and ask other community members if they have downloaded a copy of the wallpaper before the website no longer hosted these files.

Q: Are most of the NPC (character) pages suppose to be blank or contain little info?
Originally it was planned for those pages to be filled with the combined efforts of staff and community members but as time passed and various scenarios occur, it was not possible to fulfill this goal. As an alternative, you may find that Gate of Memoirs serve as a good source of information into viewing in-game cutscenes and understanding the lore in more detail.

Content Developer Q&A 2022

As the game's server closure was announced, an anonymous content developer (Dev) for Brave Frontier Global offered an opportunity for community members (CM) to ask any questions they might have. The developer was a part of the Global content developer team between July 2018 - April 2021 and was responsible for content from the Frontier Rift Athensphere's Revenge and many other major Global Exclusive content that came after. The following contain summarized questions and answers with annotated comments that were not explicitly mentioned are in square brackets ([]).

CM: What information do you have on Sennie?
Sennie was conceptualized as a fun and chill Summer unit, but we got the idea to work her into a sort of epilogue story for the Vale.

CM: Do you have any prototype drawings and other stuff?
Nah it would have been illegal to keep that stuff after I left gumi.

CM: There's a part in Liminal End where Set and Gwyll fight, but we never get to see who won. So who would have won?
I believe the writer kept that vague deliberately. I think Set won though -- she's one of the Ascended, even though they were in the domain that Gwyll was master of.

CM: What happened to Elaina after the Eye of Yaddith event?
Whatever you guys understood from it, all the heart wrenching stuff, that's what happened.

CM: Would your knowledge include raid stuff, like what is a Dichroma being?
Yeah I was in charge of raid X7, the Dichromas were the collection of negative emotions left over from the wars, their names tell you the literal emotions that they represent.

CM: Is there a quick summary of Chryssa?
Um Chryssa, she has a jellyfish friend, she lives in a place like Bikini Bottom, she went on a land tour, that's pretty much it.

CM: How strong were the "endgame spheres" lore-wise, could you rival gods and stuff?
Oof that's not something I can explain fully but no they weren't as powerful as the endgame endgame stuff because they could be "mass produced".

CM: What's the "endgame endgame stuff"? [Follow up question]
Ihsir's Wiles, Divine Master Gate etc.

CM: What about decisions you guys changed down the production line?
There were tons of those, its just part and parcel of the job to deal with those, the most major one was the addition of a villain after Kranus. Instead of DBZing it we went with a rival and she is called Seljah.

CM: It was suppose to end at Kranus? No wonder he felt so grand and had 4 phases [Void Mirage boss fight reference]. Who wrote the poem? [Follow up question]
Our writer.

CM: Does any newer Seasonal Global Exclusive like Maeri have anything to do with older Global Exclusive unit lore?
Maeri was set in a standalone story, the seasonals usually are unless there are some obvious links to other stories in the cutscenes/battles.

CM: Is there's any personal information about Global Exclusive units like age, height, day of birth, etc?
I don't think so, no.

CM: How did everyone (minus you [the player] and Tilith) went to Starfall Island? [Memories in Azure event]
Maybe Sennie Seaways or something kekw.

CM: Since age is up to our imagination, I'd say Sennie is older than 18 then.
Writer says yes.

CM: I'm not going to say it was the best thing in the world but it was extremely enjoyable, Kranus arc had people theorizing a bunch on the chat.
Yes, I had to create Nia (my first character) to start merging the SBS and Elysia stories. Once our writer joined, I could hand over the writing for Kranus.

CM: This is about gameplay design but was there any attempt on fixing Extra Action + Recast interaction?
No, you guys loved it so why spoil the fun. It just meant the bosses from that point on would account for this mechanic

CM: Did you do code? Was coding in BF a nightmare?
I did not, we had a tech team for that, personally I had no troubles getting features added to the game successfully.

CM: I've forgotten the lore on this but how exactly is Nia related to Elaina?
They were senior/junior mage students at Elaina's old academy.

CM: Was importing BF2 units into BFGL gumi's idea ?
Yeah, we had all the creative freedom on BF, so we just kept bugging people for the assets.

CM: Is there any lore behind why units like Inoko and Vanila have a DBB with each other?
The DBBs are lore-based whenever we can make them so, but some aren't because of elements required that month [Referring to factors like summon banners and events].

CM: Was there any decision making to have unique animation for each DBB?
I was not behind DBBs, but it was well guided so we didn't have much trouble, my main problems were scaling up bosses to incorporate DBBS into the challenge.

CM: Was releasing BF2/BF Rexona to global ever an option? I doubt it would happen.
BF2 GL was in the works until it wasn't, lets just leave it there.

CM: Whos your favorite boss that you made, or didn't make?
The end bosses of Liminal End [Seljah, Dual Kranus, Eye of Yaddith], those were the culmination of everything I could throw at you guys.

CM: BTW what's your favorite unit?
That's tough, I would say Ihsir.

CM: Favorite sphere?
Probably seventy-two forms, had to break my head over what you guys would want from that endgame sphere.

CM: What was Nyami's canonical age in the summer event [Brave Summer 2020 event]? Because she was 16 when she was first announced wayyy back when she was first released.
I don't know that storyline well at all, sorry.

CM: Tsovinar wouldn't count as SBS-liminal would she? If yes any hidden snipets of information?
Tsovinar is "reincarnated" in Liminal End as Inara, I use quotes because its not quite correct, her spirit left much earlier when she Ascended with Sero-Anya, so Inara's spirit is her own.

CM: Was there a plan for omni Gazia or was it never called for?
We couldn't figure out how to do omni Gazia justice. His early concept art was repurposed into Kranus.

CM: You wouldn't be able to give us the concept art because of contract stuff right? [Follow up question]
Yeah I can't, I can say that at one point I was trying to make omni Gazia legless and walking on appendages like doc ock lol.

CM: How were the units named? Some names seem more apparent than others in origin.
I can't speak for the GL units made before me, our writer had an elaborate brainstorm and selection process for all the subsequent units.

CM: Oh BTW how did you feel about data miners? [Referring to specific Wiki staff and community members]
Uh, grateful that they never bothered mining monster AI.

CM: Yo what happened to the Raid Class 7 storyline, I forgot where that lead with all the demons and water guild lady [Giselle].
The demons were mostly characters from Orebus' past wars, there was no intent for more story after defeating the Dichroma. You do get to see Hakuzo in a later GQ [The Echoing Void].

CM: Why wasn't the full batch of BF2 summoners released? Like why did it stopped at Josh and not do Wallace and Hanzo as well.
Not sure, that's a unit design decision that I'm not privy to.

CM: I suppose these demons aren't related to Ishgria? [Seventh Circle Fiends]
No, our GL units are not related to JP, these demons are from "a separate plane of existence". They work similar to demons in modern classics.

CM: Is there like a specific instructions from JP to not make GL units related to JP units or is that GL's own decisions?
Mostly it was faster to have that separation, since we didn't have to seek approval, but there was no hard requirement to avoid JP lore.

CM: What was the logic behind the demon lord related seven star raid spheres? [in terms of using the RC 5 Ishgria spheres as crafting material]
Right, those old spheres, I found that there's just a bunch of them sitting in player inventories, so I decided to make them useful.

CM: The item lore does seem fitting, I will say. Was there any guidance on that? [Follow up question]
Nah, we had loads of freedom for raid x7.

CM: Was there any reasoning behind the gender specific buffs for a couple of those spheres? (Mora's buffing male units and Kalon's buffing female units) [Follow up question]
Yeah I wanted more variety in the spheres, so who better to put gender buffs on than waifu/husbando spheres.

CM: Why did the God-King not get his own model? Its just reused whatever the demon was from arc 1. [Referring to Zurg's sprite]
Right, yes his smol form was a recycle, we spent our budget on the cool snake [Referring to True God-King].

CM: Did it feel constricting to make storylines centered around 1/2 characters for the original global content?
Nah, those are always easy, the hard part is making sure the story stays viable if we had to add extra characters and arcs later.

CM: Was there ever any plans for JP units if you had the chance to do something?
We had the occasional Tilith :). I can't say for units, but for content, there was little incentive to explore JP lore. The GL stories you saw were THE stories we wanted to tell, and we had a blast making them, and I can't imagine them happening in the JP setting.

CM: When uploading the Nogreth bosses why stop randomly after Melfel? Why were the boss sprites different than in BF2?
The BF2 and BF tech specs were different, assets needed some rework to be useable [BF2 system had boss sprites fully animated and unique animations for each boss action, which was something BF1 game engine can't perform]. As for the boss lineup, I'm not sure since it was a colleague working on the BF2 series.

CM: What were the thoughts on the EU lore?
Those were interesting, we cannibalized as much as we could for the events. They were pretty difficult to sift through the foreign cutscenes though, like for the Avalon arc.

CM: What were the general thoughts on the game's standard lore and story?
Umm like did we like how our work turned out? We sure did, even for Baelfyr :).

CM: Augmented Tridon from Athensphere's Revenge and Draegar from Joy to Ashes both got revamped after their Rift re-run, was there any reason behind that?
IIRC, some bosses were updated in order to account for/negate iubb, it was a quick fix before we got the iubb nerf out.

CM: Was there any plans of adding all 3 Dichroma bosses into one raid mission as an extreme challenge (or a new boss boss that would share all 3 skillsets) as a means to push things to the limit?
The Dichroma bosses were balanced for 4 good squads with the correct elements, so putting them all into a single mission would mean 99%+ players would be unable to finish them, so nah that was never in the works.

CM: Was Aoife not considered a part of the 7th Circle Fiends? I believe there was some similarities between her + her pactbound and the Orebus factions and summoning the fiends but I wasn't too sure if that was enough to conclude she was a member.
Aoife was one of the demons, yes. Due to scheduling she wasn't part of the same batch as the others.

CM: On this topic, who was Kona suppose to be? [Follow up question]
Kona was the uncontrollable fiend version of Aoife.

CM: Before critical hit rate cap was raised to 100%, was DBB damage countered significantly by adding a ton of critical / spark / elemental weakness damage resistance onto the boss?
The resistances were not for countering DBB, just normal skills. DBB was treated as something we wanted players to enjoy having, not something they would feel punished for not having.

CM: What was the work environment at gumi like and your overall experience?
Hm, working on Brave Frontier was great, I mentioned the creative freedom we were allowed, that's everything you need to get personally invested in your own work.

CM: Was doom created to negate the abundance of reviver units in the game?
Yeah pretty much, death was trivial to any player who had the slightest idea what they were doing, that new feature really helped.

CM: Thank you so much for all the work you put into the game, it's been a blast. Since I have the rare opportunity to ask this and I doubt I'll be able to do much more testing with it, what exactly are the conditions to pass Ensa's commands in her first fight in Everlasting Embrace (Hard Mode)? As far as I know, no one fully understands how to follow her rules.
Ensa was a (heavily obfuscated) HP threshold fight, depending on what she said, you had to either deal some damage, stop dealing damage, or trigger her self heal. BTW I loved the Ensa + infinity gauntlet meme, hilarious stuff.

CM: Why did BFGL have a fixation for beings of concept? Like the Cobalt Queen. Like there were a lot of stories revolving around beings above the universe, it was super cool.
I think I wouldn't call it a fixation, only Kranus and Seljah fit that description, maybe Giselle too but it was a way to differentiate our major story arc from the JP stories, with their many gods. Kranus was first conceived as simply the void given sentience. When we introduced Seljah, we had to give both of them more flesh, so Kranus was pivoted to embody chaos, entropy, and Seljah his antithesis.

CM: If Seljah wasn't supposed to exist from the very start, what were your plans to develop Giselle further down the line?
Eh, no unit was "supposed to exist from the very start", they just weren't until they were, it's the fluid nature of story telling. About Giselle though, we didn't have any plans for her beyond rc7, but that may very well have changed in the event where we had no Seljah, again due to said fluid nature. So in general I don't think it's useful to discuss what-ifs.

CM: Were there any plans to connect the Orebus Dust-Yellow King storyline to Seljah? A lot of people connected the Queen in Cobalt to the King in Yellow from Lovecraftian mythos.
We definitely toyed with the idea of making Seljah the dust-yellow king, but we decided to leave a loose connection and let players figure it out. Personally, I don't think they are the same character, but perhaps allies because: 1) they pretty much have the same motive, to bring worlds to a standstill 2) they have very different methods of achieving that same end. Seljah doesnt usually resolve things with brute force but if someone was reading the raid unit lore and GQ cutscenes and insisted that they are one and the same, I wouldn't refute it, it's definitely conceivable.

CM: Kinda weird to think that Seljah wins in the end because BF is shutting down.
She was indeed a little metaphor/joke about the game's end-of-life that we snuck in.

Any other questions?

Please do not hesitate to ask any of the moderators for any questions that you may have.
