Brave Frontier Wiki

Miriam heads in search of Gortius, coming face-to-face with the pirate lord himself...

Dungeon battle 80137
Portrait Dialogue
Music: "Strike! Break!"
  • Upon the decks of the listing pirate ship, Gortius is engaged in fierce combat with a towering hulk of a man.
  • Clad in battered black armor and wielding an impressive sword,
  • the self-declared pirate lord, Morgos the Black, cuts an imposing figure.
  • Gortius manages to parry his opponent's savage blade, and the resounding crack is lost in the roar of water.
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  • Miriam: My lord!
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  • Gortius: Miriam? Why are you—
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  • Gortius: Gh!
  • Morgos' lackeys whip around at the new intruder and move to block her path.
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  • Amid the chaos of splintering wood and metal, a massive lightning strike causes the Elysian flagship to smash straight into the pirates' ship.
Dungeon battle 00000
Portrait Dialogue
  • The Queenswrath, damaged beyond salvaging, has nevertheless managed to take down its opponent with it.
  • With a deafening crash and explosion of gunpowder, the ships run aground upon a small outcropping jutting out against the sea.
Dungeon battle 80091
Portrait Dialogue
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  • Miriam: Ugh.
  • Miriam: (Hope I didn't break any bones.)
  • Miriam stumbles to her feet and picks her way across the bodies of the fallen, brow furrowing in anger and grief.
  • A glinting, broken clasp bearing the royal house insignia near the mouth of the cavern draws her attention.
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  • Miriam: Gortius...
Music: "Dead God's Law"
  • The sounds of fighting grow louder as she races through the tunnel, amplified by the echoing walls.
  • Morgos the Black: Hah! You think you've won, runt?
  • Morgos the Black: You don't know your tail end from your mouth, and I've been riding the seas since before you were even born.
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  • Gortius: Give it up here. Your ship's dashed upon the rocks, and your men are dead.
  • Morgos the Black: And bend the knee to your empire? Never!
  • Despite his injuries, Morgos manages to knee Gortius in the stomach.
  • Lumbering forward with a roar, his sword is raised high above his head for a killing blow—
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  • Gortius: ...!
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  • Gortius looks up as a heavily cracked shield takes the brunt of the brutish blow.
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  • Miriam was nearly draped over him, buckling from the sheer force of the pirate lord's weapon.
  • If not for the faint aura of protection magic emanating from her hands, the shield would have long since shattered.
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  • Miriam: I'll be your opponent, pirate lord.
  • Morgos the Black: Hmph. One skull or two, it doesn't matter.
  • Morgos the Black: I'll crush you all!
Gate of Memoirs: Memoirs of Grand Quest