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Brave Frontier Wiki

Ghastly Blaster Malbelle
Unit No. 1253
Data ID 60896
Element Element Dark Dark
Gender Gender female Female
Rarity 7★
Max Lv. 120
Cost 42
Arena Type 2
Colosseum Legality BFWiki Warrior Class
BFWiki Gladiator Class
BFWiki Conqueror Class
BFWiki Hero Class
Base 4,947 2,186 2,017 1,756
Lord 6,520 2,754 2,535 2,200
Anima 7,413 2,754 2,535 1,962
Breaker 6,520 2,992 2,297 2,200
Guardian 6,520 2,754 2,773 2,081
Oracle 6,520 2,754 2,416 2,557
Rex 8,008 2,933 2,714 2,379
Final, in-game stats may differ slightly
Unit Types also provide special passive bonuses. For more information, see this page.
Max Imp Unit ills thum 40432 1,000
Unit ills thum 10452 600
Unit ills thum 20442 300
Unit ills thum 30432 400
Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier.
Miscellaneous Info
Normal 11-Hit Combo 44Icon dc (4Icon dc/hit)
Hit Count
Drop Check
Damage Modifier
BB 14 (AOE) 14Icon dc(1Icon dc) 280% 26 BC Battle crystal icon
SBB 18 (AOE) 18Icon dc(1Icon dc) 500-1000% 29 BC Battle crystal icon
(55Battle crystal icon total)
UBB 23 (AOE) 23Icon dc(1Icon dc) 1200% [HP%] 25 BC Battle crystal icon
Leader Skill: Dark Lady's Annihilation
80% boost to Atk & 100% boost to Spark damage
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Stat up icon Parameter Boost 80% boost to Atk
Spark buff Spark Boost 100% boost to spark damage
Extra Skill: Precious Records
Greatly boosts Atk when HP is full & boosts Atk when BB gauge is full
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency Target
Atk buff HP-conditional Parameter Boost 80% boost to Atk when HP is full To self
Stat up icon BB-conditional Parameter Boost 50% boost to Atk when BB gauge is full To self
Brave Burst: Dimension Warp: Phi Region
14 combo Dark attack on all foes, greatly boosts BB Atk for 3 turns, probable Spark critical for 3 turns & enormously boosts BB gauge for 1 turn
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 280% damage modifier All enemies
Sparkcrit Spark Critical 20% chance of dealing 50% extra spark damage 2 turns All allies
Bb atk up BB Atk Boost 200% boost to BB Atk 3 turns All allies
Bb over time Burst BB Gauge Fill Boosts BB gauge by 12 BC instantly All allies
Super BB: Integral Decoherence
18 combo powerful Dark attack on all foes (consecutive uses boosts damage), additional powerful attack at turn's end, greatly boosts BB Atk and probable Spark critical for 3 turns & fills own BB gauge to max
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Consecutive Damage 500% + 100% * (number of consecutive uses, max 5 times) damage modifier All enemies
Dot icon Damage over Time 750% DoT modifier 1 turn All enemies
Bb atk up BB Atk Boost 200% boost to BB Atk 3 turns All allies
Sparkcrit Spark Critical 20% chance of dealing 50% extra spark damage 3 turns All allies
Bb over time BB Gauge Refill Refills BB gauge to 100% To self
Ultimate BB: Divide Paradox
23 combo massive Dark attack on all foes (damage relative to remaining HP), massive attack at turn's end, enormously boosts Spark damage & Spark damage enormously boosts BB gauge for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms HP-scaled Damage 1200% + 800% * (current HP / base max HP) damage modifier All enemies
Dot icon Damage over Time 1000% DoT modifier 3 turns All enemies
Spark buff Spark Boost 130% boost to spark damage 3 turns All allies
Bb on spark buff BC Fill on Spark Fills 5~8 BC per spark 3 turns All allies
Hidden buff value(s) is/are based on unit's max levelled BB/SBB (10).
Value(s) may be lower if the level is not at max.

Animation Frame Data
Move Idle Attack
84 84 164
Movement Speed/Type
Normal Attack Skill (BB/SBB/UBB)
Move Speed 4 4
Speed Type 3 3
Move Type Stationary Stationary
Normal Attack
Frames 15, 25, 35, 43, 47, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 76
Distribution (%) 7, 7, 6, 11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9, 9, 9
Brave Burst
Frames 15, 25, 35, 43, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83
Distribution (%) 5, 5, 5, 12, 11, 10, 9, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 2
Super Brave Burst
Frames 15, 25, 35, 43, 47, 51, 55, 59, 63, 67, 71, 75, 79, 83, 87, 91, 95, 99
Distribution (%) 4, 4, 4, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 2
Ultimate Brave Burst
Frames 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 43, 47, 52, 57, 62, 67, 72, 77, 82, 87, 92, 97, 102, 107, 112, 117
Distribution (%) 7, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 10, 4, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay 1
Chain Unit ills thum 60894 Unit ills thum 60895 Evolve arrow sm Unit ills thum 60896
Prev Cost Unit ills thum 60344 Unit ills thum 50354 Unit ills thum 60123 Unit ills thum 60144 Unit ills thum 60224
Zell thum1,500,000 Zel
Next Cost n/a
How to Obtain (besides Evolving)
Unit Quotes
Summon She and I are two sides of a coin...
Beings that must never meet.
Our chance meeting was our doom.
Fusion My legacy has made humanity
Am I more foolish still?
Evolution Truths are unnecessary...
Falsehoods are also unnecessary...
Simply make me stronger.
Unit Lore
Malbelle recognized upon meeting the other goddess that their existences were incompatible. Immediately afterwards, a battle between the two began and ended with their simultaneous destruction. The three Summoners who visited the site of the battle afterwards and investigated her remains told of finding a technique she had developed. This technique allowed for the infinite replication of real souls. The records she left would go on to play a key role in the completion of Mock Units, but that is a tale to be told at a later time.
Trivia, Additional Information & Notes
  • Integral Decoherence (SBB)'s additional attack at turn's end only lasts 1 turn