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Item frame 3 Spheres

Imperial Savior
Sphere thum 3 6 Item Lore
An armband that has been passed down since ancient times in the Bariura Empire. According to legend, an individual wearing this armband appeared and led many people to a new promised land when a cataclysm befell Bariura. Its only proven ability at present is the tremendous enhancement it provides to its wielder's defenses, and some suspect that even its existence was unknown outside of a few members of the imperial family.
40% boost to Def, max HP, considerably boosts Atk, Def, Rec when BB gauge is over 50%, boosts BB gauge at each turn's start & reduces BB gauge required for BB
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Stat up icon Parameter Boost 40% boost to HP and 40% boost to Def
Bb over time Effect Occurrence Shift Activates Gradual BB Gauge Boost effects at the start of turn instead
Bc cost down BC Cost Reduction Reduces BC cost of BB gauge by 20%
Stat up icon BB-conditional Parameter Boost 75% boost to Atk, Def, and Rec when BB gauge is above 50%
Sale Price: Zell thum 10,000 Zel Type: Sphere icon status boost Status Boost
Trade Value: Achievement p thum 1,000 Merit Points Rarity: 6★
How to Obtain