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Brave Frontier Wiki

Mad Knight Narza
Unit No. 693
Data ID 50513
Element Element Light Light
Gender Gender male Male
Rarity 4★
Max Lv. 60
Cost 13
Arena Type 1
Colosseum Legality BFWiki Warrior Class
BFWiki Gladiator Class
BFWiki Conqueror Class
BFWiki Hero Class
Base 2,990 1,011 1,011 1,011
Lord 4,287 1,348 1,348 1,348
Anima 4,730 1,348 1,348 1,230
Breaker 4,287 1,466 1,230 1,348
Guardian 4,287 1,348 1,466 1,289
Oracle 4,287 1,348 1,289 1,525
Rex 5,025 1,437 1,437 1,437
Final, in-game stats may differ slightly
Unit Types also provide special passive bonuses. For more information, see this page.
Max Imp Unit ills thum 40432 600
Unit ills thum 10452 120
Unit ills thum 20442 120
Unit ills thum 30432 120
Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier.
Miscellaneous Info
Normal 5-Hit Combo 10Icon dc (2Icon dc/hit)
Hit Count
Drop Check
Damage Modifier
BB Icon dc —% 26 BC Battle crystal icon
Leader Skill: Ares' Light
Small boost in the BB Gauge fill rate
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Bb fill rate BC Efficacy 20% boost to BC Efficacy
Brave Burst: Kill Trance
Reduces damage taken by half for 1 turn & negates all status ailments for 3 turns
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Regular mitigation Damage Mitigation Reduces damage taken by 50% 1 turn All allies
Statusnull poison Status Negation Negates all status ailments 3 turns All allies

Animation Frame Data
Move Idle Attack
13 58 92
Movement Speed/Type
Normal Attack Skill (BB/SBB/UBB)
Move Speed 0.0033 4
Speed Type 3 3
Move Type Moving Stationary
Normal Attack
Frames 50, 54, 58, 62, 66
Distribution (%) 20, 20, 20, 20, 20
Chain Unit ills thum 50513 Evolve arrow sm Unit ills thum 50514 Unit ills thum 50515
Prev Cost n/a
Next Cost Unit ills thum 50123  Unit ills thum 50191 Unit ills thum 50122 Unit ills thum 50122 Unit ills thum 60144
Zell thum200,000 Zel
How to Obtain
Unit Quotes
Summon What a disgrace!
To think that I have to pledge myself
to a Summoner!
Fusion How unnecessary...
I can become stronger
through my own will alone!
Unit Lore
A knight from the La Veda Republic who gladly went into service for the gods. Having nothing in common with his fellow knights, he always trained himself in order to be of use to the gods. However, it is said that he continuously challenged anyone who dared to disrespect the gods to a duel, believing that his victories were a sign from the gods proving his righteousness. It is said that he had a very peculiar fighting style, repelling all enemy attacks like an impregnable fortress. Finally driving them into a corner, he would force them to regret their lack of faith in the gods.