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Brave Frontier Wiki

Magistra Lira
Unit No. 426
Data ID 60274
Element Element Dark Dark
Gender Gender none Genderless
Rarity 5★
Max Lv. 80
Cost 16
Arena Type 3
Colosseum Legality BFWiki Warrior Class
BFWiki Gladiator Class
BFWiki Conqueror Class
BFWiki Hero Class
Base 3,529 1,112 1,120 1,112
Lord 5,198 1,568 1,568 1,568
Anima 5,791 1,568 1,568 1,410
Breaker 5,198 1,726 1,410 1,568
Guardian 5,198 1,568 1,726 1,489
Oracle 5,198 1,568 1,489 1,805
Rex 6,186 1,687 1,687 1,687
Final, in-game stats may differ slightly
Unit Types also provide special passive bonuses. For more information, see this page.
Max Imp Unit ills thum 40432 500
Unit ills thum 10452 200
Unit ills thum 20442 200
Unit ills thum 30432 200
Note: Omni+ Boost stats are only available in the Global version of Brave Frontier.
Miscellaneous Info
Normal 6-Hit Combo 18Icon dc (3Icon dc/hit)
Hit Count
Drop Check
Damage Modifier
BB 9 (AOE) 9Icon dc(1Icon dc) 140% 15 BC Battle crystal icon
Leader Skill: Pandemic Spread
Chance of inflicting a random status ailment when attacking
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Badbuff Poison Status Infliction 7% chance of inflicting Injury, Sick and Weaken
5% chance of inflicting Poison, Curse and Paralysis
Brave Burst: Demon Execution
9 combo Dark elemental attack on all enemies
Buff Values
Active Effect Potency Buff Duration Target
Aoe norms Regular Damage 140% damage modifier All enemies

Animation Frame Data
Move Idle Attack
46 60 164
Movement Speed/Type
Normal Attack Skill (BB/SBB/UBB)
Move Speed 6 6
Speed Type 2 2
Move Type Teleporting Teleporting
Normal Attack
Frames 54, 64, 74, 84, 98, 112
Distribution (%) 20, 20, 20, 20, 10, 10
Brave Burst
Frames 54, 64, 74, 84, 94, 104, 114, 124, 134
Distribution (%) 8, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Total Distribution: 100%
Effect Delay
Chain Unit ills thum 60273 Evolve arrow sm Unit ills thum 60274 Evolve arrow sm Unit ills thum 60275
Prev Cost Unit ills thum 60123 Unit ills thum 60122 Unit ills thum 60122 Unit ills thum 60201 Unit ills thum 60201
Zell thum200,000 Zel
Next Cost Unit ills thum 50354  Unit ills thum 60123 Unit ills thum 60224 Unit ills thum 60122 Unit ills thum 60201
Zell thum500,000 Zel
How to Obtain (besides Evolving)
Unit Quotes
Summon I am Lira, a magistra.
I'm both demon and human.
How do I appear to you?
Fusion The stronger I get,
the more demonic I feel.
But still, as part human...
Evolution I understand now.
All that flows inside of me,
it all makes up who I am...
Unit Lore
A girl with a human mother and demon father. As a demon she challenged the White Beast, but during her fight she couldn't completely ignore her human half. Lost, having given up on the only life she'd ever known, she was asked by the White Beast to help vanquish a disastrous beast. With Golem, which her father had left behind, by her side as always, she bravely nodded as if this were her chance to make up for her sins.