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Navi chara80039 0
Element Element Thunder Thunder
Gender Gender male Male
Eyes Teal
Hair Jade
Unit Counterpart Mikael

Mikael is a Non-Player Character (NPC) in the game. He is a Deva knight.

Debut Appearance[]


A Champion knighted by the Emperor of the Deva himself. In light of his outstanding record, Mikael was made Lord Commander of the Deva Army. After the crushing defeat suffered during the Deva's 313th military expedition, Mikael's presence was considered a gift from the old gods. His prowess at siege warfare kept the Morokai at bay while the Deva licked their wounds.

Determined to discover the whereabouts of his brother, Mikael dispatched scouts to find him. After years of searching, he received word of a deserter seeking refuge in a distant outland untouched by the war. Eager to find his brother, Mikael entrusted command to his aide and travelled to the location indicated by his scouts. True enough, in a small farm he found his brother disheveled and dressed in rags, tilling the earth.

With rage coursing through him, Mikael drew his blade, prepared to strike down his apostate brother. But before he could cut his brother down, he heard the wailing of a baby behind him. Turning around, he saw the face of a horrified Morokai woman, clutching a babe to her bosom. The sight of the crying babe drained away his rage, filling him with emotions he could not explain. Without a word, Mikael dropped his weapon and returned to Myrranthia, the land of the Deva.


As a Unit[]



Notable Relationships[]

