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Brave Frontier Wiki

As of January 24, 2019, Promotion Mission from RC1 to RC2 is now available without any prerequisite missions required.

Mission 1 - Fire Eater

"A Request from Akras Summoners' Hall"
Hello! Elise, informant for the Demon Slayers, here. The Akras Summoners' Hall has created this easy mission for Summoners who aren't used to Demon Slayers' work just yet. To begin training yourself, please eliminate the Fire Eater roaming around Moize Plains. It might be an easy mission, but don't let your guard down!

Raid Boss

Moize Plains Lv. 1
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Fire Eater 1 - 0 0
Element Fire Edelma
Monster ills raid02


    • Rage - Strong single target attack with a probable chance to inflict Weaken.
    • Crunch - Weak AoE.
    • Grand Blaze - Strong AoE.
  • Can be inflicted with Weakness and Injury.

Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Item thum 402 Green Drop 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 102 Green Grass 50.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 102 Green Grass 50.0% 1

Mission 2 - Two Decades of Rancor

"A Request from an Old Doctor"
My wife was a Summoner. She joined the Demon Slayers when she grew of age, and participated in many great exploits... However, 20 years ago she was beaten by an armored ice beast. That beast still lives. It torments me so... Please, avenge my wife! Though she's still alive!

Raid Boss

Myull Neve Lv. 1
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Two Decades of Rancor 1 - 0 0
Element Water Dalmogia
Monster ills raid03


  • Has 2 parts:
    • Element Water Dalmogia
    • Element Water Dalmogia - Shell
      • Ice Needle - 4 random attacks to all enemies.
      • Cyclone - AoE attack.
      • Blizzard Breath - Strong AoE attack.
      • Razor's Edge - Strong single target attack.
      • Solid Shell - Reduce damage by 80% for 1 turn.
      • Dead Man's Rage - Weak AoE attack.
  • The shell can be inflicted with Injury.

Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 400 Red Drop 20.0% 1
Item thum 1107 Spirit Stone 10.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 90.0% 1
Item thum 906 Hard Bone 10.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 80.0% 1
Item thum 101 Blue Grass 20.0% 1

Mission 3 - Snarling Woods Survey

"A Request from a Young Botanist"
I am currently studying the differences between plants from Elgaia and plants that Summoners bring back from Grand Gaia. I want to find their differences by using my own methods, but... I heard that an enormous tree was found nearby, and my curiosity is piqued. Please defeat the Bewitched Tree Meru-Meru, and bring me back any information you gather!

Raid Boss

Sedoria Swamp Lv. 1
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Snarling Woods Survey 1 - 0 0
 Element EarthElement Water Meru-Meru
Monster ills raid04


  • Has 3 parts:
    • Element Earth Meru-Meru
    • Element Earth Meru-Meru - Treetop
    • Element Water Meru-Meru - Base
      • Poison Leaf - AoE attack.
      • Plague Leaf - AoE attack with probable sick.
      • Earth Shudder - AoE attack with probable weaken.
      • Impaling Root - Strong single target attack.
      • Binding Root - Single target attack with high paralysis.
      • Corrosive Gale - AoE attack with probable weaken.
      • Gaian Seed - Strong single target attack.
  • ​Inflicts Paralysis, Weakness, Sickness and Poison.
  • The Treetop can be inflicted with Weakness and the Base with Injury.


Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 60.0% 1
Item thum 100 Red Grass 40.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 60.0% 1
Item thum 301 Hoku Nut 40.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 204 Move Feather 50.0% 1
Item thum 301 Hoku Nut 50.0% 1

Mission 4 - Underground Loiterer

"A Request from a Tough Merchant"
I have very little talent as a Summoner, so I have no choice but to sell goods for a living, but...Granomos keep popping up in all my trade routes! And on top of that, they always show up when there's a big crowd! Not only is it dangerous, but I can't move my stuff! I won't ask you to slay all of them, but at least 5! Only 5 should be enough, please!

Raid Boss

Moize Plains Lv. 2
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Underground Loiterer 1 - 0 0
Element Earth x5 Granomus
Monster ills anime raid100


    • Earthquake - Weak AoE attack.
    • Land of the Abyss - Single target attack that inflicts 30-40% HP of that target.
    • Wormhole - AoE attack that reduces 30-40% HP and 40% chance to remove all buffs.
    • Survival Instinct - Boosts Atk by 20% for 2 turns and grants an ignore Def buff for 2 turns.
  • All players must search for each Granomus. Kill count of Granomus is shared among all players.
  • Inflicts Poison.
  • Can be inflicted with Paralysis.


Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Item thum 402 Green Drop 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 102 Green Grass 50.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 102 Green Grass 49.0% 1
Item thum 802 Azure Pelt 1.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 80.0% 1
Item thum 101 Blue Grass 20.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 80.0% 1
Item thum 400 Red Drop 20.0% 1

Mission 5 - Blazing Tongue

"A Request from a Chef Who's Trying to Make It Big"
Hey, do you know the great chef of legend? They say that he used incredible monsters as his ingredients. I've been thinking that I wanna try the same thing! Do you know the Fire Eater? If I make that thing's tongue into a steak, I might become pretty famous too. So with that said, I'd like you to hunt those ingredients for me!

Raid Boss

Mt. Ziland Lv. 2
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Blazing Tongue 1 - 0 0
Element Fire Edelma
Monster ills raid02


  • Inflicts Injury.
  • Can be inflicted with Weakness and Injury.

Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 35.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 35.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 29.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Red Stone 1.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 29.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Karma Stone 1.0% 1

Mission 6 - Solidifying Ice

"A Request from an Easygoing Summoner"
Do you know the Armored Ice Beast Dalmogia? Like its name suggests, its shell is super hard, but I saw it recently in the wetlands, eating seaweed and hanging around. I thought it looked kinda cute, but it came charging at me when it spotted me. I almost didn't make it out of there alive. Oh, this is a request for you to get rid of it.

Raid Boss

Sedoria Swamp Lv. 2
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Solidifying Ice 1 - 0 0
Element Water Dalmogia
Monster ills raid03

Notes: Has 2 parts:

  • Element Water Dalmogia
  • Element Water Dalmogia - Shell

Shell can be inflicted with Injury

Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 48.0% 1
Item thum 606 Worn Fang 2.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 50.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 30.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1

Mission 7 - Twelve Years Before

"A Request from an Old Doctor"
My wife was a Summoner. She had been with the Demon Slayers for quite some time, giving all her young colleagues hell... However, 12 years ago she was beaten by a bewitched tree. You know where I'm going with this, right? Please, avenge my wife! Of course, she's still doing great.

Raid Boss

Myull Neve Lv. 2
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Twelve Years Before 1 - 0 0
 Element EarthElement Water Meru-Meru
Monster ills raid04


  • Has 3 parts:
    • Element Earth Meru-Meru
    • Element Earth Meru-Meru - Treetop
    • Element Water Meru-Meru - Base
  • Inflicts Paralysis, Weakness, Sickness and Poison.
  • The Treetop can be inflicted with Weakness and Paralysis and the Base with Injury.


Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 49.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Hollow Rock 1.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 30.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 49.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Blue Stone 1.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1

Mission 8 - Ruler of Twilight

"A Request from Akras Summoners' Hall"
Hello! Elise, informant for the Demon Slayers, here. It looks like a huge demon has appeared in Mt. Ziland! We have to stop that demon as soon as possible, before it causes any more damage to other regions. It will be a tough mission, but there's no doubt that everyone will recognize your strength after slaying that demon!

Raid Boss

Mt. Ziland Lv. 2
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Ruler of Twilight 1 - 0 0
 Element LightElement Dark Reduhark
Monster ills raid06


  • Has 3 parts:
    • Element Dark Reduhark
    • Element Dark Reduhark - Upper Wings
    • Element Light Reduhark - Lower Wings
      • Raising - AoE attack.
      • Black Claw - Strong single target attack with probable curse.
      • Dark Blight - Strong dark and light elemental AoE attack.
      • Gateway to Darkness - Boost Atk by 20% for 2 turns.
      • Alter of Darkness - AoE attack.
      • Gateway to Blight - Boost Def by 30% for 2 turns.
      • Alter of Blight - AoE attack.
  • Reward for first time completion:


General Zone Details

Very low drop on Dark Jewel

Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 35.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 49.0% 1
Item thum 703 Guardian Eye 1.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 35.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Red Stone 1.0% 1
Item thum 1103 Prized Stone 1.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 28.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Karma Stone 1.0% 1
Item thum 800 Blood Pelt 1.0% 1