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Brave Frontier Wiki

As of January 24, 2019, Promotion Mission from RC4 to RC5 is now available without any prerequisite missions required.

Mission 1 - Roaring Thunder[]

"A Request from a Veteran Summoner"
I was requested to watch over a rookie, and now I can't complete all the missions I had taken on before that! That's why I'm looking for a Summoner who will go defeat a thunder beast for me. Does anyone know of someone with a strong arm that could help me out? All the people I know are unavailable, you see.

Raid Boss[]

Sedoria Swamp Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Roaring Thunder 1 - 0 0
Element Thunder Golvorg
Monster ills anime raid14


  • Can be cursed.
  • Can inflict Injury & Weak and buff Atk on self
      • Groove Smash: Strong AoE attack with probable injury and weaken.
      • Ultimate Strike: Powerful single target attack with 100% injury and weaken.
      • Charge: Does not attack for 1 turn, on the next turn, uses Power Splitter, which is a massive AoE attack on your teammates which can cause instant knockout. Mitigation is recommended.
      • Power Splitter: Massive AoE (450%)

  • Appears in Mountain Village and may run away to Grassy Basin


General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 48.0% 1
Item thum 1103 Memory Stone 2.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 30.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 30.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.0% 1
Item thum 1005 Glowing Bug 2.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 47.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 47.0% 1
Item thum 1003 Golden Bug 3.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 49.5% 1
Item thum 405 Purple Drop 0.5% 1

Mission 2 - An Aquatic Fire God?[]

"A Request from Akras Summoners' Hall"
Hello! Elise, informant for the Demon Slayers, here. We have received a mission from Akras Summoners' Hall that calls for the extermination of a highly dangerous demon causing severe damage in the Moize Plains. Your target is called Yugreia... It seems like this beast is far stronger than any you have fought so far. Please proceed with caution, and don't do anything reckless.

Raid Boss[]

Moize Plains Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
An Aquatic Fire God? 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement Water Yugreia
Monster ills anime raid15

Notes: Has 2 parts:

  • Element Water Yugreia
  • Element Fire Yugreia - Wing
    • Drops Cataract Ore
      • Demon Prison: Strong AoE attack.
      • Flood Torrent: 5 Massive random AoE attack (300%)
      • Aquatic Fire God's Wrath: Boost Atk by 25% and Def by 200% for 999 turns.
      • Liquid Solution Effusion: Strong AoE with high probable poison.
      • Ultimate Death: Powerful AoE attack.
      • uses a bb reduction attack that has a 30% chance to reduce one target's BB gauge by 20-25%.
      • Wing of Extinction: Weak AoE attack.
      • Destroying Strike: Weak single target attack with 20% chance to remove buffs.
      • Life's Flame: Heal 10,000 to 12,000 HP.
      • Flame of Grudge: 30% chance to reduce all enemies' Atk and Rec by 50% for 3 turns. High chance to inflict curse and sick to enemies (70%)
      • Glacier Energy: Boost Atk by 20% for 3 turns.
  • 2x Massive single target attack for first few turns, deals 6000 damage (3000 if mitigated).
  • Resistant to critical hits and can cause curse.
  • At < 50% HP
    • Removes buffs and drains BB gauge on one target.
  • Appears in Great Tree of Life and may run to the following locations:
    • Luminous Forest then back to Great Tree of Life
    • Luminous Forest -> Windy Grasslands
  • Main body is susceptible to Weakness
  • Wing is susceptible to Curse
  • Every 7 Turns unleashes High damage move called Unlimited death. You must guard or mitigate the damage


General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 28.0% 1
Item thum 605 Purple Fang 2.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 47.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 46.5% 1
Item thum 803 Yellow Pelt 3.0% 1
Item thum 1107 Spirit Stone 0.5% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.0% 1
Item thum 905 Purple Bone 2.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1

Mission 3 - Two Beast Tango[]

"A Request from an Easygoing Summoner"
Is it true that you can take on two demons at once? It's not like I doubt your skills or anything like that, but considering the demons I know about, you can't blame me for being a little skeptical. But I think you've got what it takes, so why not give it a try? Oh! You will?! They're at the volcano, so good luck!

Raid Boss[]

Mt. Ziland Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Two Beast Tango 1 - 0 0
 Element Light Van Lucy
Monster ills raid11

Element Dark Van Nader
Monster ills raid12

Notes: All members of the party must search for Van Lucy & Van Nader.

  • Van Lucy
    • Can inflict paralysis and reduce BB gauge of one target.
      • Dimensional Breaker - multi hit single target attack that drains entire BB gauge of target.
    • Appears in Cavern Tower and may run away to the following locations:
    • Hot Springs -> Remote Volcano
    • Remote Volcano
  • Van Nader
    • Can inflict Curse and remove all buffs on one target.
      • Dark Curse Prison - multi hit single target attack that removes all buffs on target.
    • Van Nader may have the following spawn locations:
    • Ever-Burning Volcano -> Scorching Volcano
    • Road to Volcano -> Scorching Volcano

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Abyss Stone 1.5% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 27.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 503 Demon Claw 3.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Forge Stone 2.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Rouge Stone 2.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 29.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1103 God Stone 1.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 34.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 504 Hades Claw 0.5% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 29.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Gospel Stone 0.5% 1

Mission 4 - Granomos Party[]

"A Request from a Tough Merchant"
Umm, I don't think I have to make a detailed request for this one, but I'll ask again. Thanks to you they have calmed down a little bit, but they're back at it again! I'm talking about the Granomos, of course! I swear they're picking on me for some reason...

Raid Boss[]

Mt. Ziland Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Granomos Party 1 - 0 0
Element Earth x5 Granomus
Monster ills anime raid100


  • All members of the party must kill 5 Granomus. Kill count of Granomus is shared among all players.
  • Can remove all buffs.
  • Usually found when you BATTLE in Barren Land
  • Can cast Survival Instinct which ignores defense.
  • Wormhole - Massive AOE attack (~40% damage), may use it three times in one turn, can be mitigated.
  • Can be paralyzed


Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Abyss Stone 1.5% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 27.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 503 Demon Claw 3.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Forge Stone 2.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Rouge Stone 2.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 29.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1103 God Stone 1.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 34.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 504 Hades Claw 0.5% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 29.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Gospel Stone 0.5% 1

Mission 5 - Echoing Howl[]

"A Request from a Scholastic Summoner"
I was attacked by a demon I had never seen before while surveying the snowfields. Its appearance resembled that of an infernal watchdog ablaze... Captivated by its burning bright eyes and its snow-white fur, I found myself completely unable to move. I wonder if I became paralyzed while admiring its beauty, or while cowering in fear. Either way, I think you should experience it for yourself.

Raid Boss[]

Myull Neve Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Echoing Howl 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement Thunder Balmedia
Monster ills anime raid16

Notes: Has 4 parts:

  • Element Fire Balmedia
      • Gartendi: Weak AoE attack.
      • Tuck Out: Fixed 9,999 damage to one target.
      • Retaliating Howl: Boost Atk by 40% for 3 turns.
  • Element Fire Balmedia - Torso
      • Leo: Inflict 25-30% HP damage AoE.
      • Ur: Strong AoE attack with small probable weakness.
      • Hado: Strong AoE attack with probable weakness.
  • Element Fire Balmedia - Tail
      • Flaming Tail Frenzy: AoE attack with probable curse.
      • Glamorous Flaming Tail: Strong single target attack and reduce that target's Atk by 1000% for 1 turn.
      • Soul Usurping Dance: 60% chance to reduce all enemies' BB gauge by 25-30%.
    • Drops Blaze Pearl
    • Resistant to critical hit damage
      • As such, avoid using Crit buffers or the main body will die too quickly.
    • Has the highest HP of all the parts
  • Element Thunder Balmedia - Mane
      • Ecrose Arrow: Massive AoE attack (240%).
      • Rag Beryl: Reduce damage by 25% to all allies for 1 turn.
      • Liah Genelect: Heal 6,000 to 8,000 HP every turn for 3 turns.

  • When Main Body is < 50% HP
    • Massive AoE attack
    • Single target attack & can drain BB gauges
    • Constantly mitigates its own body parts.
    • Inflicts Curse
    • Appears in Frozen Mountain and may run to the following locations:
      • Temple Site -> Icy Springs
      • Temple Site and back to Frozen Mountain
      • Icy Springs -> Temple Site


General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 30.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 45.5% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Item thum 904 Forever Bone 1.5% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 47.0% 1
Item thum 603 Golden Fang 3.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 50.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 49.0% 1
Item thum 804 Silver Pelt 0.5% 1
Item thum 405 Purple Drop 0.5% 1

Mission 6 - Underworld Messenger[]

"A Request from a Sickly-Looking Summoner"
I went on a mission to defeat Nalda Delia, be quite honest, I'm seriously regretting it now. A Summoner my level stands no chance against it. I barely lasted a few minutes out there, and that was only by giving it my all. After being able to come back alive, I think I should entrust my mission to a Summoner stronger than myself.

Raid Boss[]

Sedoria Swamp Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Underworld Messenger 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement EarthElement ThunderElement Light Nalda Delia
Monster ills raid09

Notes: Has 4 parts:

  • Element Earth Nalda Delia
  • Element Light Nalda Delia - Arms
  • Element Thunder Nalda Delia - Upper Body
  • Element Fire Nalda Delia - Lower Body
    • Drops Doom Ring
  • Massive AoE or Single target attacks on random intervals.
  • Appears in Tower of Dark Clouds and may run away to the following locations:
    • Miasma Springs -> Tower of Dark Clouds
    • Lightless Canyon -> Miasma Springs


General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 48.0% 1
Item thum 1103 Memory Stone 2.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 30.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 30.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.0% 1
Item thum 1005 Glowing Bug 2.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 47.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 204 Move Feather 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 47.0% 1
Item thum 1003 Golden Bug 3.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 49.5% 1
Item thum 405 Purple Drop 0.5% 1

Mission 7 - Real-Life Nightmare[]

"A Request from a Worried Youth"
Oh's like my worst nightmare come true.... Nobody believes me, but I saw it with my own eyes! A monster on the volcano that nobody's seen before! I swear, my mind wasn't playing tricks on me! Just thinking about running into that thing again makes me so anxious I can't sleep... Please, I need a good night's sleep tonight!

Raid Boss[]

Mt. Ziland Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Real-Life Nightmare 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement WaterElement EarthElement Thunder Grudkia
Monster ills anime raid17

Notes: Has 4 parts:

  • Element Fire Grudkia
  • Element Earth Grudkia - Arm
  • Element Thunder Grudkia - Bottom
    • Drops Fiend Jewel
  • Element Water Grudkia - Tail
      • Infected Breath: Powerful AoE attack with injury.
      • Crash Fall: Powerful single target attack.
      • The System Breaks!: Reduce self's Def by 100% for 1 turn.
      • Melt Digging: Powerful Fire, Water, Earth, Thunder AoE and clear all buffs.
      • Tough Breath: Strong AoE attack.
      • Florestal: Powerful AoE attack with weakness and sickness.
      • Conferee: Strong single target attack.
      • Tail Dance Invitation: Reduce all enemies' Atk and Def by 40% for 2 turns.
      • Numb Kick: Powerful AoE attack with high probable paralysis.
      • Glamorous Kick: 6 Massive random AoE attack.
  • Drains BB gauge often from your allies using his AoE attack.
  • Appears in Hot Springs
  • Escape to Marsh Wharf

General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Abyss Stone 1.5% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 32.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 27.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 503 Demon Claw 3.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Forge Stone 2.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 33.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Rouge Stone 2.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 29.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1103 God Stone 1.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 34.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 15.0% 1
Item thum 504 Hades Claw 0.5% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 106 Brown Grass 29.5% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Gospel Stone 0.5% 1

Mission 8 - Letter from the Deadlands[]

"A Request from a Dying Summoner"
By the time this request reaches other Demon Slayers, my life will surely be gone. The beast of light and dark and the god of destruction have us trapped between them. These are two powerful demons--I don't ask that you save me--just that you vanquish them.

Raid Boss[]

Myull Neve Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Letter from the Deadlands 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement Thunder Balmedia
Monster ills anime raid16

Element FireElement WaterElement EarthElement ThunderElement LightElement Dark Mistzug
Monster ills raid10

Notes: All members of the party must search for Balmedia and Mistzug.
Balmedia has 4 parts:

  • Element Fire Balmedia
  • Element Fire Balmedia - Torso
  • Element Fire Balmedia - Tail
    • Drops Blaze Pearl
  • Resistant to critical hit damage
  • Has the highest HP of all the parts
  • Element Thunder Balmedia - Mane
  • Can reduce BB gauge from 3 of your units.
  • Randomly casts massive single target attack.
    • Appears in Frozen Mountain
      • Flees to Snowy Forest Path.
  • Same skills as prior battle.

Mistzug has 4 parts:

  • Element FireElement WaterElement EarthElement ThunderElement LightElement Dark Mistzug
  • Element Thunder Mistzug - Arm
  • Element Earth Mistzug - Torso
  • Element Light Mistzug - Lower Body
    • Drops Ghost Jewel
  • Removes buffs frequently.
  • Drains BB gauge.
  • Massive AoE attack at low HP
  • If any of Mistzug's limbs (Arm or Lower Body) are destroyed before Torso, Mistzug will unleash a devastating AoE attack that will remove mitigation. (attack not used in RC3).
    • Can appear in any of the following; Mountain to Heaven, Avalanche Zone, or Solid Ice Wall.
      • Flees to any of the three mentioned above.


General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 30.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 45.5% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Item thum 904 Forever Bone 1.5% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 47.0% 1
Item thum 603 Golden Fang 3.0% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 50.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 404 Smoky Drop 49.0% 1
Item thum 804 Silver Pelt 0.5% 1
Item thum 405 Purple Drop 0.5% 1

Mission 9 - Bash the Real One![]

"A Request from Akras Summoners' Hall"
Hello! Elise, informant for the Demon Slayers, here.
I have an urgent request for you this time: I have reports that the real Yugreia has been found on the Moize Plains, attacking Summoners. I request that all Demon Slayers who receive this message head there to slay this menace immediately. This is the moment of truth... Be safe!

Raid Boss[]

Moize Plains Lv. 3
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Bash the Real One! 1 - 0 0
 Element FireElement WaterElement Earth Real Yugreia
Monster ills anime raid18

Notes: Has 3 parts:

  • Element Water Real Yugreia
  • Element Fire Real Yugreia - Wing
    • Drops Cataract Ore
  • Element Earth Real Yugreia - Bottom
  • Has the same skills as Yugreia.***
  • Massive attacks often. Mitigation recommended.
  • Casts mitigation on own body parts often.
  • Drains BB gauge using a single target attack.
  • Largely heals over time
  • Inflicts curse frequently.
    • Appears in Clock Tower
    • Flees to Luminous Forest

Reward for first time completion:

General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Gentle River Bank
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 30.0% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 28.0% 1
Item thum 605 Purple Fang 2.0% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Clock Tower
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 47.0% 1
Item thum 207 Musa Feather 3.0% 1
Windy Grasslands
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 50.0% 1
Temple of Light
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 50.0% 1
Coastal Front
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 46.5% 1
Item thum 803 Yellow Pelt 3.0% 1
Item thum 1107 Spirit Stone 0.5% 1
Great Tree of Life
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 70.0% 1
Item thum 307 Mow Nut 28.0% 1
Item thum 905 Purple Bone 2.0% 1
Sparkling Beach
Item thum 1104 Smooth Stone 50.0% 1
Item thum 703 Acute Eye 47.0% 1
Item thum 706 Fujin's Eye 3.0% 1