Brave Frontier Wiki
Brave Frontier Wiki

Mission 1 - Lightfinder[]

The truth is finally coming together. Thanks to your efforts, we're close to painting a full picture of the Orebus civil war! Fittingly enough, the Revenants this time are shining beacons of light -- but they're anything but benevolent. Careful you don't get blinded by their radiance!

Raid Boss[]

North East Orebus
Element Light
Element Light
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Lightfinder 1 - 0 0
 Element Light Sunbound Revenant
Guardian 8950101


  • Sunbound Revenant found at Chthonochronal Gate

First clear reward:

  • 500x Orebi Shards

Sunbound Revenant

  • Can guard to reduce incoming damage further
  • Can be inflicted with Weaken, Def down
  • Left Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Curse & Def down
  • Right Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Paralysis, Atk down, Def down & Poison. Poison will deal 10% of HP each turn
  • Left and Right Fist tend to have Stealth effect every 4 turns
  • Damage Mitigation, Elemental Mitigation, Evasion, Parameter Boost, Self Parameter Boost, Parameter Conversion, Self Parameter Conversion, Elemental Parameter Boost, Spark Boost, Elemental Spark Boost, Self Spark Boost, Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Damage Boost, Gradual BB Gauge Boost, BC Fill when attacked, BC Fill on Spark, BC Efficacy, OD Gauge Fill Rate, and Gradual OD Fill effects have a 1 turn duration reduction
  • Unnatural Oppression - Inflicts 10% Active healing, 30% Passive healing, 30% HC effectiveness reduction for 2 turns & drains 30% OD gauge
    • Used every turn
  • Fatal Pursuit - Instantly defeats a single unit
    • Used once upon attempting to flee the battle. Tends to target current highest HP unit
    • This skill will not target units under Stealth effect. This skill will not be able to kill an Angel Idol unit that is the only remaining unit on the field
  • Pained Flail - 20 hit AoE attack that deals 80% of HP as damage & adds stackable 20% Atk buff, 5% Def debuff & 5% Crit buff to self for 500 turns
    • Used upon defeating a Fist and whenever returning to the battle with a Fist already defeated
  • Exhaust Field - 40% chance to inflict 200% Atk, Def, Rec down for 3 turns
  • Power Creep - Adds stackable 25% Atk, 5% Def debuff & 5% crit rate buff to self for 500 turns
  • Vital Drain - 40% chance to purge Atk/Def/Rec, Crit rate, elemental Atk/Def/Rec and Crit rate & Atk/Def/Rec and Crit rate when guarding
  • Forward Charge - 20 hit AoE attack that pierces 30% mitigation
  • Anti-Magic Curse - 40% chance to inflict buff-wipe
  • Dreadful Malady - Inflicts DoT (400% mod) for 3 turns
  • Clench Up - Adds 40% chance to reflect 25% of damage taken for 3 turns
  • Massive Bomb - 20 hit Strong AoE attack that pierces 5% mitigation

General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Clock Tower
Item thum 1100 War Demon's Gem 5.0% 1
Item thum 205 Dragonlord Wing 5.0% 1
Item thum 905 Dark Bone 13.33% 1
Item thum 500 Dark Claw 13.33% 1
Item thum 703 Spirit Eye 13.34% 1
Item thum 904 Fallen Screw 10.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Holy Circuit 10.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Holy Gear 10.0% 1
Item thum 806 Eternal Bark 10.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Azure Sphere 10.0% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 800 War Demon's Hair 5.0% 1
Item thum 805 Dragonlord's Scale 5.0% 1
Item thum 700 Flame Jewel 20.0% 1
Item thum 801 Scaly Pelt 20.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Divine Core 7.5% 1
Item thum 1105 Divine Fuse 7.5% 1
Item thum 905 Evil Screw 7.5% 1
Item thum 503 Fallen Hand 7.5% 1
Item thum 1105 Calamity Core 6.66% 1
Item thum 100 Flower Core 6.66% 1
Item thum 802 Green Vine 6.67% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 703 Beiorg's Bulb 5.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Spatial Crystal 5.0% 1
Item thum 704 Shiny Jewel 20.0% 1
Item thum 301 Shiny Nut 20.0% 1
Item thum 602 Burrow Fang 10.0% 1
Item thum 802 Verdant Pelt 10.0% 1
Item thum 700 Calamity Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 1100 Red Crystal 6.66% 1
Item thum 800 Blaze Pelt 6.66% 1
Item thum 801 Light Scale 6.67% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1103 Beiorg's Scrap 5.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Thunder Chip 5.0% 1
Item thum 806 Frozen Pelt 20.0% 1
Item thum 302 Meru Nut 20.0% 1
Item thum 702 Disaster Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 705 Doom Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Doom Ring 10.0% 1
Item thum 1103 Shock Core 6.66% 1
Item thum 1100 Shock Heart 6.66% 1
Item thum 800 Blaze Scale 6.67% 1

Mission 2 - Shattered Sentinel[]

Such majesty and brilliance in their rocklike shells! These unnaturally powerful Revenants look like ancient guardians of a lost civilization. While they're a sight to behold, never forget that they're just as ravenous as their other counterparts. Be on your guard, and be swift as the shadows!

Raid Boss[]

North East Orebus
Element Light
Element Light
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Shattered Sentinel 1 - 0 0
 Element Light Gamma Sacred Revenant
Guardian 8950101
Element Light Sunbound Revenant
Guardian 8950101


  • Gamma Sacred Revenant found at Exclusion Zone
  • Sunbound Revenant found at Chthonochronal Gate

First clear reward:

  • 1000x Orebi Shards

Gamma Sacred Revenant

Sunbound Revenant

  • Can guard to reduce incoming damage further
  • Can be inflicted with Weaken, Def down
  • Left Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Sick, Atk down, Def down & Poison. Poison will deal 10% of HP each turn
  • Right Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Sick, Atk down & Def down
  • Left and Right Fist tend to have Stealth effect every 4 turns
  • Damage Mitigation, Elemental Mitigation, Evasion, Parameter Boost, Self Parameter Boost, Parameter Conversion, Self Parameter Conversion, Elemental Parameter Boost, Spark Boost, Elemental Spark Boost, Self Spark Boost, Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Damage Boost, Gradual BB Gauge Boost, BC Fill when attacked, BC Fill on Spark, BC Efficacy, OD Gauge Fill Rate, and Gradual OD Fill effects have a 1 turn duration reduction
  • Unnatural Oppression - Inflicts 30% Active healing, 50% Passive healing, 50% HC effectiveness reduction for 2 turns & drains 50% OD gauge
    • Used every turn
  • Fatal Pursuit - Instantly defeats a single unit
    • Used once upon attempting to flee the battle. Tends to target current highest HP unit
    • This skill will not target units under Stealth effect. This skill will not be able to kill an Angel Idol unit that is the only remaining unit on the field
  • Pained Flail - 20 hit AoE attack that deals 80% of HP as damage & adds stackable 20% Atk buff, 5% Def debuff & 5% Crit buff to self for 500 turns
    • Used upon defeating a Fist and whenever returning to the battle with a Fist already defeated
  • Exhaust Field - 40% chance to inflict 200% Atk, Def, Rec down for 3 turns
  • Undermine - Inflicts 15% max HP debuff for 2 turns
    • Used by the Left Fist
  • Power Creep - Adds stackable 25% Atk, 5% Def debuff & 5% crit rate buff to self for 500 turns
  • Massive Shot - 20 hit ST attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Grave's Chill - Inflicts 40% chance to negate KO Resistance on all enemies for 3 turns
  • Relentless - Adds 200% crit damage buff to self for 3 turns
  • Mana Purge - 100% BB drain
    • Used by the Left Fist
  • Demoralize - 20% chance to invalidate Leader Skill effects for 2 turns
    • Used by the main body

General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Clock Tower
Item thum 105 Forbidden Vines 5.0% 1
Item thum 802 Spider's Silk 5.0% 1
Item thum 800 Solid Pelt 13.33% 1
Item thum 801 Cobalt Pelt 13.33% 1
Item thum 700 Fallen Eye 13.34% 1
Item thum 706 Ominous Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 505 Ruling Fist 10.0% 1
Item thum 705 Dark Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 700 Blaze Pearl 6.66% 1
Item thum 505 Fiend Claw 6.66% 1
Item thum 705 Fiend Jewel 6.67% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 802 Raiment of Grace 5.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Shadow Gem 5.0% 1
Item thum 400 Ruin Tear 20.0% 1
Item thum 701 Wicked Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 505 Daze Claw 10.0% 1
Item thum 700 Ghost Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 704 Queen Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 800 Fiend Pelt 6.66% 1
Item thum 1101 Cataract Ore 6.66% 1
Item thum 705 Feat Jewel 6.67% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1105 Crystal Soul 5.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Demonblood Clot 5.0% 1
Item thum 401 Wicked Tear 20.0% 1
Item thum 300 Timber Nut 20.0% 1
Item thum 500 Lost Claw 10.0% 1
Item thum 705 Phantom Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Guile Stone 10.0% 1
Item thum 200 Fire Feather 6.66% 1
Item thum 107 Sakura Leaf 6.66% 1
Item thum 200 Solid Flame 6.67% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1105 Crest Seal 5.0% 1
Item thum 200 Scarlet Wing 5.0% 1
Item thum 805 Dark Pelt 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Dark Stone 20.0% 1
Item thum 804 Shock Mane 10.0% 1
Item thum 505 Wicked Hand 10.0% 1
Item thum 600 Ruling Fang 10.0% 1
Item thum 401 Tragedy Drop 6.66% 1
Item thum 1105 Evil Eye 6.66% 1
Item thum 200 Red Feather 6.67% 1

Mission 3 - Shattered Sentinel II[]

Such majesty and brilliance in their rocklike shells! These unnaturally powerful Revenants look like ancient guardians of a lost civilization. While they're a sight to behold, never forget that they're just as ravenous as their other counterparts. Be on your guard, and be swift as the shadows!

Raid Boss[]

North East Orebus
Element Light
Element Light
Quest / Boss Energy Battles EXP EXP/Energy Rare Captures
Shattered Sentinel II 1 - 0 0
 Element Light Alpha Sacred Revenant
Guardian 8950101
Element Light Beta Sacred Revenant
Guardian 8950101
Element Light Sunbound Revenant
Guardian 8950101


  • Alpha Sacred Revenant found at Exclusion Zone
  • Beta Sacred Revenant found at Hydropower Facility
  • Sunbound Revenant found at Chthonochronal Gate

First clear reward:

  • 1500x Orebi Shards

Alpha Sacred Revenant

  • Can guard to reduce incoming damage further
  • Heavy BC/HC based/buffed drop rate resist is present
  • Left Fist can be inflicted with Curse, Atk down & Poison. Poison will deal 10% of HP each turn
  • Right Fist can be inflicted with Paralysis & Def down
  • Left and Right Fist tend to have Stealth effect every 4 turns
  • Damage Mitigation, Elemental Mitigation, Evasion, Parameter Boost, Self Parameter Boost, Parameter Conversion, Self Parameter Conversion, Elemental Parameter Boost, Spark Boost, Elemental Spark Boost, Self Spark Boost, Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Damage Boost, Gradual BB Gauge Boost, BC Fill when attacked, BC Fill on Spark, BC Efficacy, OD Gauge Fill Rate, and Gradual OD Fill effects have a 2 turn duration reduction
  • Unnatural Oppression - Inflicts 50% Active healing, 70% Passive healing, 70% HC effectiveness reduction for 2 turns & drains 80% OD gauge
    • Used every turn
  • Fatal Pursuit - Instantly defeats a single unit
    • Used once upon attempting to flee the battle. Tends to target current highest HP unit
    • This skill will not target units under Stealth effect. This skill will not be able to kill an Angel Idol unit that is the only remaining unit on the field
  • Pained Flail - 20 hit AoE attack that deals 80% of HP as damage & adds stackable 20% Atk buff, 5% Def debuff & 5% Crit buff to self for 500 turns
    • Used upon defeating a Fist and whenever returning to the battle with a Fist already defeated
  • Massive Shot - 20 hit ST attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Power Creep - Adds stackable 25% Atk, 5% Def debuff & 5% crit rate buff to self for 500 turns
  • Forward Charge - 20 hit AoE attack that pierces 30% mitigation
  • Disarm - 30% chance to invalidate Sphere effects for 2 turns
    • Used by the main body
  • Condemnation - Inflicts Doom effect on a single unit & 40% chance to inflict Doom effect on all enemies for 4 turns
    • Units affected by Doom effect cannot be revived for 2 turns

Beta Sacred Revenant

  • Can guard to reduce incoming damage further
  • Left Fist can be inflicted with Curse & Def down
  • Right Fist can be inflicted with Atk down, Sick & Poison. Poison will deal 10% of HP each turn
  • Left and Right Fist tend to have Stealth effect every 4 turns
  • Damage Mitigation, Elemental Mitigation, Evasion, Parameter Boost, Self Parameter Boost, Parameter Conversion, Self Parameter Conversion, Elemental Parameter Boost, Spark Boost, Elemental Spark Boost, Self Spark Boost, Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Damage Boost, Gradual BB Gauge Boost, BC Fill when attacked, BC Fill on Spark, BC Efficacy, OD Gauge Fill Rate, and Gradual OD Fill effects have a 2 turn duration reduction
  • Unnatural Oppression - Inflicts 30% Active healing, 50% Passive healing, 50% HC effectiveness reduction for 2 turns & drains 50% OD gauge
    • Used every turn
  • Fatal Pursuit - Instantly defeats a single unit
    • Used once upon attempting to flee the battle. Tends to target current highest HP unit
    • This skill will not target units under Stealth effect. This skill will not be able to kill an Angel Idol unit that is the only remaining unit on the field
  • Pained Flail - 20 hit AoE attack that deals 80% of HP as damage & adds stackable 20% Atk buff, 5% Def debuff & 5% Crit buff to self for 500 turns
    • Used upon defeating a Fist and whenever returning to the battle with a Fist already defeated
  • Undermine - Inflicts 15% max HP debuff for 2 turns
    • Used by the Left Fist
  • Power Creep - Adds stackable 25% Atk, 5% Def debuff & 5% crit rate buff to self for 500 turns
  • Disease Swarm - 100% chance to inflict ailments
  • Power Bomb - 20 hit AoE attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Massive Bomb - 20 hit Strong AoE attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Condemnation - Inflicts Doom effect on a single unit & 40% chance to inflict Doom effect on all enemies for 4 turns
    • Units affected by Doom effect cannot be revived for 2 turns
  • Power Shot - 20 hit ST attack that pierces 5% mitigation

Sunbound Revenant

  • Can guard to reduce incoming damage further
  • Can be inflicted with Weaken & Def down
  • Left Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Sick, Atk down, Def down & Poison. Poison will deal 10% of HP each turn
  • Right Fist can be inflicted with Weaken, Curse, Atk down & Def down
  • Left and Right Fist tend to have Stealth effect every 4 turns
  • Damage Mitigation, Elemental Mitigation, Evasion, Parameter Boost, Self Parameter Boost, Parameter Conversion, Self Parameter Conversion, Elemental Parameter Boost, Spark Boost, Elemental Spark Boost, Self Spark Boost, Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Critical Damage Boost, Elemental Damage Boost, Gradual BB Gauge Boost, BC Fill when attacked, BC Fill on Spark, BC Efficacy, OD Gauge Fill Rate, and Gradual OD Fill effects have a 1 turn duration reduction
  • Unnatural Oppression - Inflicts 30% Active healing, 50% Passive healing, 50% HC effectiveness reduction for 2 turns & drains 50% OD gauge
    • Used every turn
  • Fatal Pursuit - Instantly defeats a single unit
    • Used once upon attempting to flee the battle. Tends to target current highest HP unit
    • This skill will not target units under Stealth effect. This skill will not be able to kill an Angel Idol unit that is the only remaining unit on the field
  • Pained Flail - 20 hit AoE attack that deals 80% of HP as damage & adds stackable 20% Atk buff, 5% Def debuff & 5% Crit buff to self for 500 turns
    • Used upon defeating a Fist and whenever returning to the battle with a Fist already defeated
  • Exhaust Field - 40% chance to inflict 200% Atk, Def, Rec down for 3 turns
  • Undermine - Inflicts 15% max HP debuff for 2 turns
    • Used by the Left Fist
  • Power Creep - Adds stackable 25% Atk, 5% Def debuff & 5% crit rate buff to self for 500 turns
  • Power Bomb - 20 hit AoE attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Mana Purge - 100% BB drain
    • Used by the Left Fist
  • Diseased Wave - 40% chance to inflict ailments
  • Grave's Chill - Inflicts 40% chance to negate KO Resistance on all enemies for 3 turns
  • Massive Shot - 20 hit ST attack that pierces 5% mitigation
  • Demoralize - 20% chance to invalidate Leader Skill effects for 2 turns
    • Used by the main body

General Zone Details
Rare Drops:

Harvest Drops[]

Location Item Harvest Rate Quantity
Clock Tower
Item thum 105 Forbidden Vines 5.0% 1
Item thum 802 Spider's Silk 5.0% 1
Item thum 800 Solid Pelt 13.33% 1
Item thum 801 Cobalt Pelt 13.33% 1
Item thum 700 Fallen Eye 13.34% 1
Item thum 706 Ominous Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 505 Ruling Fist 10.0% 1
Item thum 705 Dark Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 700 Blaze Pearl 6.66% 1
Item thum 505 Fiend Claw 6.66% 1
Item thum 705 Fiend Jewel 6.67% 1
Sunlit Woods
Item thum 802 Raiment of Grace 5.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Shadow Gem 5.0% 1
Item thum 400 Ruin Tear 20.0% 1
Item thum 701 Wicked Eye 20.0% 1
Item thum 505 Daze Claw 10.0% 1
Item thum 700 Ghost Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 704 Queen Jewel 10.0% 1
Item thum 800 Fiend Pelt 6.66% 1
Item thum 1101 Cataract Ore 6.66% 1
Item thum 705 Feat Jewel 6.67% 1
Luminous Forest
Item thum 1105 Crystal Soul 5.0% 1
Item thum 1101 Demonblood Clot 5.0% 1
Item thum 401 Wicked Tear 20.0% 1
Item thum 300 Timber Nut 20.0% 1
Item thum 500 Lost Claw 10.0% 1
Item thum 705 Phantom Eye 10.0% 1
Item thum 1104 Guile Stone 10.0% 1
Item thum 200 Fire Feather 6.66% 1
Item thum 107 Sakura Leaf 6.66% 1
Item thum 200 Solid Flame 6.67% 1
Tower in Ruins
Item thum 1105 Crest Seal 5.0% 1
Item thum 200 Scarlet Wing 5.0% 1
Item thum 805 Dark Pelt 20.0% 1
Item thum 1105 Dark Stone 20.0% 1
Item thum 804 Shock Mane 10.0% 1
Item thum 505 Wicked Hand 10.0% 1
Item thum 600 Ruling Fang 10.0% 1
Item thum 401 Tragedy Drop 6.66% 1
Item thum 1105 Evil Eye 6.66% 1
Item thum 200 Red Feather 6.67% 1