Brave Frontier Wiki

Item frame 3 Spheres

Schism Orb
Sphere thum 1 8 Item Lore
A special sphere created by the head of the Akras Summoners' Research Lab, Noel. This orb takes possession of the wearer's body and controls it to minimize any damage taken. It also converts any surplus energy into magical power. Until now, Noel had focused on creating spheres that increase the survival chances of the wearer, but this time instead of helping the wearer avoid any damage, the sphere's main function is to decrease the amount of any damage taken.
Probable 25% reduction of damage taken, greatly boosts BB gauge when attacked & 15% boost to all parameters
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Regular mitigation Chance Mitigation 25% chance of reducing damage taken by 25%
Bb when attacked buff BC Fill when attacked Damage taken boosts BB gauge by 3~5 BC
Stat up icon Parameter Boost 15% boost to all parameters
Sale Price: Zell thum 10,000 Zel Type: Sphere icon damage reducing Damage Reducing
Trade Value: Achievement p thum 1,000 Merit Points Rarity: 6★
How to Obtain