Brave Frontier Wiki

Item frame 3 Spheres

Seal Sword
Sphere thum 1 7 Item Lore
Within the large recorded history left behind, there is a record which states that the gods fought amongst themselves. When a higher ranking god sought to challenge the other gods, this sword was forged to seal his power. There are accounts left behind which state that there were battles in which this sword was not used, but unbeknownst to them, the "God Sealing Sword" found its way into human hands, who then carried out its true purpose.
Boosts max HP & Atk by 30%
Effect Values
Passive Effect Potency
Stat up icon Parameter Boost 30% boost to HP and 30% boost to Atk
Sale Price: Zell thum 15,000 Zel Type: Sphere icon status boost Status Boost
Trade Value: Achievement p thum 50 Merit Points Rarity: 3★
How to Obtain (besides Crafting)

Item Name Quantity
Sphere thum 3 6 Ember Armor 1
Sphere thum 1 6 God Sword 1
Item thum 505 Daze Claw 15
Item thum 700 Flame Jewel 1
Item thum 704 Queen Jewel 1
Karma thum Karma

Crafts Into
Item Name Quantity
Sphere thum 5 7 Malice Jewel 1
